Zinko Authentic Products Policy

We hold a strong belief in the inherent goodness of Zinko buyers, and we are dedicated to ensuring that Nigerians can engage in online shopping and selling with unwavering confidence and peace of mind. To realize this commitment, Zinko strictly prohibits the sale of inauthentic or counterfeit items. Every product listed for sale on Zinko must be genuine.

Zinko enforces a stringent policy against the sale of counterfeit merchandise, which encompasses any items that have been produced, replicated, or duplicated without proper authorization. All products bearing an official brand name or logo must be lawfully manufactured, either by, for, or with the explicit consent of the respective company.

Our duty to provide a secure online shopping platform in Nigeria extends to guaranteeing the authenticity of merchandise and products. We continuously dedicate ourselves to enhancing our methods for detecting and preventing the circulation of inauthentic or counterfeit items within our marketplace. We understand that our customers rely on the assurance of purchasing genuine products when they choose Zinko for their shopping needs. We are committed to upholding the trust of our customers and back the products sold on our platform with our 100% Buyer Protection program.